New Perspective

This is the last week of July, 2013. This is the third months of our relationship, and the first Ramadhan I ever share with you. 

Yeah, there were a lot of things happen recently. I don't know if you realize how often I stared secretly at your hand which hold mine, your face directed on the book you read, or your back when you stepped forward in front of me. That serious mark. That trustworthy eyes. I never really know how deep your thoughts are before this. 

Every woman is, I think, ever believe at least once in their life about meeting a perfect guy someday in their life. I am including. For some people it was right, for some others it wasn't, I personally never really expect that I am going to find it anyway; at this time, this way--but hey, I did. 

I know I did, when you showed up with a cartoon of chocolate milk by the time you're too busy to take the hungry me to lunch.

I know I did, when you wiped out tears on my face and said, "...don't cry for your own fault. Face it. I still love you, at last."

I know I did, when you listed your targets for the last year of college and presented it for me as a start. 

I know I did...because you're the only man would talk about future with no intention but to achieve it. Made me smiled by witty, spontaneous words. Shared plans and worked it together without any haste. Be clear on problems. Told me surely about the day you dream to live on, with me, in it.

Which made me smiled and thought, if I ever seriously plan to build life with a guy, all I can clearly think is you. If I ever works so hard collected money to help my fiancee paid the housing credits, it would fairly be done with you. If I ever want to have children and did all the household, wait for my husband to come with delicious supper at could only be you,

...the one ever tell me how close future is to today, and you are special...because now, it is not me who put life puzzle piece to piece. 
It is now us,

..ever to be.

"Is it too long to take three or four years for you?"
"Oh Dear, that'll be pretty enough to settled the beginning." :)


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